
Fall and the great outdoors!
I was hiking a few weekends ago at Bradbury Mountain. Here in Maine right now, we are at peak foliage which is a beautiful sight. The photo is from the...
Fall and the great outdoors!
I was hiking a few weekends ago at Bradbury Mountain. Here in Maine right now, we are at peak foliage which is a beautiful sight. The photo is from the...

Travel on OT
I know I have touched on this in various ways, but more specifically flights... Travel via plane is not out of the picture for most. There are people on OT...
Travel on OT
I know I have touched on this in various ways, but more specifically flights... Travel via plane is not out of the picture for most. There are people on OT...

Caregivers -
This can be a vast subject. There are so many different situations for "caregiver" and thus it is difficult to be general. Please know that we can chat any time...
Caregivers -
This can be a vast subject. There are so many different situations for "caregiver" and thus it is difficult to be general. Please know that we can chat any time...

Summer Time Fun
Be prepared for changes in weather pressure. As the season transitions to summer there are some added challenges to breathing. When the pressure drops for incoming storms, that can (and...
Summer Time Fun
Be prepared for changes in weather pressure. As the season transitions to summer there are some added challenges to breathing. When the pressure drops for incoming storms, that can (and...

Spring In The Great Outdoors
Oxygen Mobility Loves sharing spring flowers with those who have a harder time getting outdoors. We're here for you, and would love to see pics of your adventures outdoors!
Spring In The Great Outdoors
Oxygen Mobility Loves sharing spring flowers with those who have a harder time getting outdoors. We're here for you, and would love to see pics of your adventures outdoors!